Monday, October 19, 2015

Uncle Noel gave you these beautiful butterfly wings at the cabin. We had such a wonderful time playing with all of our cousins and family.  You caught your forte first fish and loved going in the paddleboat. You also love the pontoon rides every morning with all of us having coffee. You  also really enjoy going on the motorcycle around the lake together. We took wonderful trip on the kayak and a otter or beaver kicked our kayak. It was pretty funny. 

July 4th!

We had such a great time in millennium Park with uncle Noel, Katie, Stella, and Gg! Larer, we went to Roditys, mommy's favorite Greek town restaurant and had a blast with all of our friends.
 We had a great party at auntie Lana's house on July 2. She had a wonderful barbecue for all of our friends because she couldn't drive up to the cabin because she was six months pregnant.
I love flying to Chicago with you and seeing all of my friends and family. They love getting together with you.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Flying to Chicago!

This is my favorite time of year! We are headed to Chicago and the cabin for 3 weeks!!! I bought you a new DVD player for all your new favorite movies: Annie, Sound of Music, Frozen, etc.